Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Love is Blind - Fact or Fallacy?

Today I saw something which I probably am not supposed to see. Not that it bothered me or anything anyway. Someone just had to remind me about it. Really, sometimes I think the more you try to defend yourself, the worse it gets. So, though I'm pretty much misunderstood sometimes, I prefer to keep my defence to myself... Silence is MY best policy.

What brings two individuals together? Is there some mysterious force at work or is it just plain random occurence? Have you ever met someone whom you really liked at one point or another in your life but just couldn't get together because of certain reasons?

Well, I certainly have. Reasons ranging from wrong timing to already attached (be it happily or unhappily) stopped me from letting my heart rule over my head.

Of course, I'm only human and it's only human to err. I got to admit that I've for harboured feelings for an individual even though I was already attached. It was not right, I know. And as it already didn't start out on a good note, these two relationships didn't end on a very good note either.

After these two times, I told myself never to get involved with anyone else when I'm still in a relationship even if I'm damn fucking unhappy. If I'm really really unhappy in a relationship, I have a choice to get out of it, no excuses. I've learnt through the hard way and twice is more than enough to knock lots of sense into me.

If two individuals are pretty much in love, it's virtually impossible to break them up, that I agree. However, I also think that one should not take advantage of the fact that someone else's relationship is on the rocks.

I've sobered up and I truly know what I DO NOT want. No way am I going to let such idiots have their way again.

Back to the point where I saw something I wasn't supposed to see. To this friend of mine who's so worried that her sweet, innocent image is tarnished, don't worry. I don't give a damn about it. It's your problem. Yours and yours solely. I have no wish to get involved. However as a friend, I would still want to tell you this -

Sometimes, it's wise to just take step back or slow down alittle so you get a clearer view of the whole picture. Love is not blind and I don't think it should be. Not that you have to find the perfect someone but at least you should know what you're getting yourself into first then decide if that's what you can live with (flaws and all)... All the best to you & I sincerely wish you find your happiness with her if that's what you really want...

"Love is not blind... it's about accepting the one you love as a whole package, the flaws and the goodness. That's why true love is so elusive because more often than not, people love you for all your goodness... but at the first sight of the bad, off they run..." - Quote: Professor Au


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