Friday, August 12, 2005


I was supposed to be doing my revision for a test next week... but since the moment I woke up, I've been doing everything except study...

God Bless Me.

Don't know why but felt kind of lost today... my thoughts drifted back to him again & somehow, I don't know what to make out of what I was feeling. It's probably a mixture of abit of everything.

My twin & best guy friend told me that he's not worth it but I just can't bring myself to hate him or anything of that sort. I don't know why, I don't feel angry at all.

I've been wondering to myself like what's he doing now, how's his injury, is he also thinking of me as well, does he bother at all? So many questions yet without an answer.

Don't worry twin, I won't give in. I won't make any contact if he doesn't do so... I'll learn to get over him.

I know I'll... one day... Meanwhile, just let me indulge in this "mourning" process =)


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