Friday, November 04, 2005

A Whole New Level

In this day & age... dating and finding a partner has become a speedy process... Gone were the good old days of courtship...long dates... where guy makes lots of effort to win the heart of the gal...

In place, I see people who are together without any idea when they started or 'officially' started as they would like to call it.

It's a whole new ball game now and does it simplify or complicate things further?

Love is never something easily explainable neither isit something which come overnight. I do not believe in love at first sight and in my opinion, it's more like lust at first sight.

Now, in this whole new level, where two individuals have a special feeling for each, start going out, seeing each other more and then *BAM* they are suddenly a couple...

Not that it's bad... somehow, I find that alittle strange... what's the status? Just very good friends who can like hold hands, hug and all? Or cause the attraction is too strong that neither can deny it?

I used to be someone who enjoys the process of courtship and getting to know the other half better before deciding if we'll be suitable for each other...

But somehow, I was converted god knows since when. I too, am caught in this whole new level of dating where speed dating rules... Is it good or is it bad?

I don't know... one thing for sure, I'll make sure I enjoy every single moment spent with the person cause I've learnt along the way the what matters more is the journey, not the destination... As long as I'm HAPPY... yeah, why not? =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as u r happy dear... =)


3:58 PM  

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