Monday, October 17, 2005

Isit such a big deal anyway?

Caught the movie "40 year old Virgin" over the weekend.

I have not, in the longest time, watched such an entertaining movie. There's practically something hilarious in every single scene, both the dialogue & the acting!

As the name suggests, it's a movie about a 40 year old virgin. Andy, the main character had never had any sexual encounters despite the fact that he's already 40. As a result, his group of friends tried to lend a helping hand in getting him laid, not without hilarious happenings. As all romantic movie does, this one ended happily where he finally met the woman he loves, got married & finally put an end to his days as a virgin.

But on a more srious note, I don't see what's the big deal about being a virgin... I mean I'm not like against premarital sex or something... I, personally, do not see anything wrong with being intimate with the one you love... However, there's also nothing wrong if someone chooses to remain one until they're ready for it. It's all a personal choice, I feel.

In today's society, people get all tickled when they hear of someone who's still a virgin... Honestly, what's the big deal? Just because they do not belong to the majority of the population who aren't virgins, doesn't mean they have to be subjected to ridicules of such. So grow up people... in fact, we should respect them for having the balls to stick to their decisions though they know that it wouldn't be easy (with all the temptations around). And for this, I salute them!


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