Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Life's Numbers...

If you could choose your own end, how would it be like?
Would you choose to just leave quietly without any signs/warning or would you rather know that you're dying soon so that you could live the last days of your life in accordance to your plans?
If given a choice, I would choose the latter. This is highly debatable though. I've asked many friends this question. Surprisingly, I seem to be the only one with that choice. All choose to leave quietly by dying peacefully in their sleep.
I don't know about you but I find the fact of not waking up without any warning and just leaving all my loved ones behind quietly like that, a very unthinkable thing to do. Perhaps I just want to leave without any regrets and only die after saying my "I love you" to everyone who matters dearly to me. I do not want to just not wake up one day without doing all that I want to do.
Certainly, it's scary... knowing that you have limited time left to live and it's even scarier when you can put an exact figure to that. It probably takes alot of courage to still live everyday meaningfully, going about your daily business as you normally would when you're well aware that you could just drop dead and die any moment...
When the day of my passing finally comes, I want to be able to pass away without any regrets... and I want to leave behind with my loved ones, not sorrows or tears... but warmth and smiles whenever they think of me again...
My time on earth is limited... I could put a number to it... but I certainly hope that my presence, stories and life(albeit small and insignificant to most) would inspire those close to me for a long time to come even with my passing on... That would be the only justification and purpose of my existence... If there's even any to begin with.


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