
The 36 days where we developed from friends to lovers... A little fast, I know... but I've never been so happy in a long time...
Today, after a tiring day from work... standing for 10 hours on ends... I received his card... I'm really happy... though he isn't in Singapore now... He was on my mind the whole time...
I really appreciate all these sweet gestures... the effort he made just so that I wouldn't be upset when he isn't around to comfort me or go for walks with me...
I love you...
I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true. I can't believe how I have fallen for you.
And I was not looking, was content to remain. And it's ironic to be
back in the game.
You are the one who's led me to the sun. How could I know that I
was lost without you...
- A little story of ours...to be continued....
i can feel ur happiness. itz contagious. really. n i m so glad he goes to such extents to make u happy. tt's really impt. twiny, u happy, i happy. did he write tt lil msg at the end? or was it u? itz damn romantic. *swoon*
one word: fairytale
Those little words @ the end were written by yours truly... but the other italics were written by him in the card... we ever heard this song when we went drinking... I told liked it since Pretty Woman movie days and he remembered... it's amazing hw he seems to remember all the insignificant little remarks I make...
For once, I'm really really letting my guard down... I hope he wouldn't be a mistake...
& yes, it's almost like a fairytale to me after all the heartbreaks... maybe God isn't so blind afterall...
everything will be fine. have faith *hugs*
very =)
it's wonderful to see this happy to 2 great friends...
the cupid ;) keke
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Luv u! =D
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