Monday, February 13, 2006

Eraser in my brain, anyone?

You know... I really wish I could insert an eraser of some sort into my brain now & erase away all my memories... Or maybe only the memories of someone special.

It's ironic I know... Sounds totally illogical... Why the hell would I want to erase that someone special away from my memory?! Why? It's simple. I tell you why... Love has this amazing power to lift you up to cloud nine... and yet at the same time, it also has the power to bring you down to depths of hell...

I tell myself to be brave, to be strong... but yet at the same time, the mixed feelings I get makes me very negative. The words spoken... the subtle body language... everything.

Like I mentioned before, both holding on & letting go is equally painful... So the next best alternative would be to forget. Alas... we aren't some hard disk & we can't just delete away memories at our whim & fancy. As much as I wish I could, I know it wouldn't happen.

The very morbid me is wishing that I'll get knocked on the head or something, pass out and then wake up not remembering anything.

So now, my new mantra in life is: "To live in the moment & take each day as it comes"...

When you don't have a choice, you make do... That's usually the case isn't it?


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