d"It's not other people we need to forgive, Mitch," he finally whispered. "We also need to forgive ourselves."
"For all the things we didn't do. All the things we should have done. You can't get stuck on the regrets on what should have happened."
Just finished reading Tuesdays with Morrie again & this book never fails to touch me. On the many life lessons I have learnt from this book, the lesson on forgiveness struck a chord with me the most this time round. I guess I have been stuck in this 'bitter' phase over certain issues for the longest time.
Something which happened last night made me pretty miffed with a certain someone. Not because the pictures were seen but rather because of the lack respect in the incident which happened.
Surprisingly, I did not blow my top at the said person but rather, took it calmly. A sign that I'm moving towards my goal of making myself a better person. I think the me in the past would have been so angry that I would have raised my voice at her and then continue to stay angry with the person involved for the next few days to come.
But by being angry for just the split second yesterday, then getting over it, somehow made me feel a whole lot better than to stay angry with someone for long. Morrie is right... We all need to forgive. Most importantly of all, we all need to learn to forgive ourselves.
I have been angry with myself for a very long time. For all the things which I didn't do and for not doing well enough in certain things which I though I ought to have done better in. It's funny how this anger blinds you and makes you oblivious to alot of other positive things happening around you.
Somehow, I am learning to be alot more accepting of myself now. And it's this acceptance which gives me the courage to realise what a flawed person I am and then go on to make things better.
I suppose when one is too caught up with staying angry and bitter about the many things that shouldn't have happened and/or should have happened, we lose the ability to be accepting of ourselves and the people around us. What's the point of beating yourself up emotionally for something which no longer can be changed? Rather, shouldn't we be more forward-looking?
I'm not sure if this entry makes sense to anyone. Bottomline is really just this: Learn to stay angry for not more than 1 minute... for staying angry with someone consumes one and takes away so many of the postivities that could come. Rather, work on forgiving others and oneself...
For Every Minute U R Angry With Someone, U Lose 60 Seconds Of Happiness.
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