AirFlown Love...

Baby sent me a "Card of Love" all the way from HK on Tuesday... He sure knows how to make a girl happy... *Grin*
Though it wasn't easy spending my weekend without him, not having him around to go for walks with me late at night, I managed to survive somehow. His cards, smses and thoughtfulness made it alot easier for me too. When I miss him, I just took out the cards and read them over and over again...
When love first starts out, it's always very beautiful isn't it? Like both would make effort to do things for the other party... go that extra mile, spring surprises etc... Sometimes, I wish this would never end... but I know it's unrealistic of me to expect that from someone all the time. The problem with me, you see, is that I get bored very easily...
Of course I do have my exceptions like everyone else too... If it's something I totally adore, I would never ever get bored of it... Like how I can eat the same thing over and over again everyday if I really really love it.
I really wish he's someone whom I'll never tire of... someone whom I'll always be thinking of... someone who challenges me mentally all the time... so that there'll never be a dull moment... This, I think is, the way to my heart...
Nonetheless, it's really such a miracle to have met him... I feel so blessed and blissful... Love you baby...
Chicken soup for the soul of the week:
"Without separation, one would not know the bliss of a reunion"
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