Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This is one of those times where I feel all insecure again... and then I start pondering why things are the way they are... Stupid it may be but I always get caught up in this process...

Times when I ask alot of 'whys' knowing no one has the answers to these questions I have. I yearn to meet somebody, anybody who can give me all the answers to the millions of questions I have & explain the wonders of the universe to me...

I always think of what I want to be when I grow up in my younger days... How I aspired to be a doctor, ballerina, vet, president... all sorts of big dreams, like any other kid... But I wonder why, somehow along the way, we lose sight of our goals, lower our expectations and then end up settling for second best...

Why do we always have to 'make do'? Why can't we ask for more? Why can't we demand for better things in life? Why do we have to be contented with just what we have? Don't you think contentment makes people weak sometimes? What's with all the bullshit about "learn to be contented and you'll find happiness"...? How can you be happy if you know that you've settled for second best instead of fighting for what you know is best for you?

How? Why? Answers, anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a proposed answer.

Quite simply, we are always greedy for more, it keeps us going. But until you get these things you yearn for, you always think you are unhappy/dissatisfied. But when you do get ALL that you yearn for, you will be more unhappy than ever, because you have nothing to compare/expect/fight for anymore.

Not asking you to settle for 2nd best but we, lousy humans, just need to be reminded time & again that the grass is always greener on the other side. You don't know what those who "have it all", have to settle for in life.

Poor but rich idiot

8:57 PM  

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