Friday, December 16, 2005

Weird friends of mine...

I've got the weirdest friends on earth...
This morning at 6plus... someone smsed me... below is our ensuing sms conversation:
Weird Friend : I've got this huge pimple on my I'll KIV you regarding zouk on Friday
Me: Gal... spotless complexion is not a criteria of entry to zouk...
Weird Friend : My face is like a pimple plantation...
Me: Haha don't be so 'kuazhang' can...
Weird Friend: Really, the pimple is horrendous... not shy one.. so big...tamade...
^_^" See what I mean... I've got the weirdest friends... Where got people refer to a pimple as "not shy one"... hahaha... Where got people got pimple don't want to go out one... one word: VAINPOT!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. tamade~

8:56 AM  

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