Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Undying Support

So much has happened that I almost couldn't believe it myself.
Both good and bad...
It's really funny how life works out eventually. When I was in such despair and I almost felt like everything's a goner, the situation just turned around and turned out to be in my favour.
I really do not see a need to defend myself. The truth speaks for itself. The day would come when people would realise the truth. The shocking truth, yes? Maybe...
Neither do I want to pursue the case. I seriously do not see a point in being so caught up with this matter. I will not allow it to consume me. I really have more important things in life to focus on. Like my new career & my new-found love. I would want to concentrate on doing my job well and learning as much as I can within the shortest time possible. I will not allow people to look down on me. Also, I would love to spend more time with my significant other during our days off and to nurture the relationship. Now that time spent together has reduced significantly, it makes the days we spend together seem all the more precious. And I cherish every moment there is to it.
When people try ways and means to put one down, maybe they should stop to think. Then they would probably realise how petty it makes them seem and how it reflects on them as a person. It's ok for me. Maybe I should even thank them for gaining more sympathy votes for me. Afterall, they've made me seem very victimised. Didn't they realise that throughout history, people would always side with the victim, the weak? Grow up kids. The world's not in your hands; not now, never ever will it be. Do not try to manipulate when you're still so inexperienced. The consequences you'll have to bear for your actions might not be something you can deal with.
At the end of it all, they've only made me realise even more who are the ones whom are true and sincere. Without them, I would probably never have realised the pure goodness of some, many of whom are people whom I have a huge inclination to take for granted. This episode has made me see things clearer and to serve as a wakeup call for me. To remind me that I should appreciate those who have been here by my side & who always will be; especially my boyfriend.
He knows every single detail about what happened. He shared his views with me, his sincere and unbiased view. His constant support, encouragement and time spent with me to make me feel better has really made me very touched. Thanks alot for the "undying" love. I think I wouldn't have been able to pick myself up so well if not for you. I love you.
"Do not try to put me down... for I may become even stronger and a bigger threat to you should you fail."


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