我不怕寂寞。。。 我只怕我爱的人其实并不爱我。。。
爱虽然很美妙 却不能为了寂寞
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
我相信在〔这个〕世界上 一定会遇到
那次流过的泪 让我学习到
如何祝福 如何转身不要
在眼泪体会到 与自己拥抱 爱不是一种需要 是一种对照
当我想清楚的时候 我就算已经准备好
放手去爱 海阔天高
So very true...
Love's indeed beautiful but that doesn't mean that we should just be in a relationship for fear of loneliness.
Probably we all should be more patient and just wait for that one true love to appear... All the hurt and sadness from the past should have taught us how we should walk out of an unfulfilling relationship and learn to love ourselves even more.
How much are we willing to sacrifice for love? It's really easy to fall in love but it's definitely not a simple task to maintain the relationship.
My dear friends, how far are you willing to go for love? If you're not willing to make any sacrifices, then probably you don't love that person enough. Similarly, if your other half never seems to be willing to commit & make certain sacrifices for you, then you should learn to walk away.
You certainly deserve someone better.... that someone who treats you like a princess, who loves you and cares for you, who worries about you when you're sick, who is always there for you without the slightest complain whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, who thinks of you in times of both sadness and happiness, who never wants to leave your side... Of course, you should also be able to do the same for your other half.
Have you all already found this special one?
I have no idea if my special one has already appeared... one thing I'm sure of though is that I wouldn't hesitate to walk out should I one day realise that my other half doesn't love me anymore or is with me just for the sake of wanting someone by his side... If that means I have to be single for a very long time, so be it...
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