Monday, October 30, 2006

The Math of it...

Who would have thought that God has something much better in mind for them when they lost what they thought meant so much to them?
Have neglected this little part of my life for a very long time now. With all the jet-setting around the world, time seems to be something which is a rare commodity for me now. What used to be in abundance, is now something which I no longer have control over.
As much as I enjoy the freedom which comes with the job, I also detest the inflexibility which comes with it. I now have to plan my schedule around my roster which is a huge irony to the freedom which this job brings. The financial aspect of it as well as the time I have to myself mostly, in nice hotel rooms of exotic locations around the world.
I cannot describe the sense of joy I often feel when exploring new cities alone, armed with just a map in my hand, my trusty big camera to capture those quirky moments which amuses or touches me and the nice big sunnies to keep the glare of the sun away. As much as I enjoy interacting with people, I sometimes dislike the diplomacy which I have to employ. As such, I would rather wander around on my own, than stick to a group and go with the herd. Instead of feelings of self-pity like alot of people, I take it in my strike, and embrace this new found "ME" time I have which comes with this job. The nice feeling of being able to eat ur meal, sip your coffee while being totally self-absorbed or captivated by the newest novel in hand is very much a luxury to me.
When back in Spore, I very much appreciate and treasure the time I have been given to spend with my family, my close friends and my love. While I spend "ME" time overseas, I make it a point to be a people's person when back. The time spent alone, gives me the ability to much better appreciate the time which I am able to spend with all my loved ones. As much as being alone gives me joy, spending time with those who means alot to me fills me with a different kind of joy and warmth as well.
Of all, I especially look forward to those few precious days which I'm given with my love every month. These days are almost sacred to me. These are the days where we re-connect again after having "lost touch" with one another for sometimes as long as 1.5 weeks. The simple pleasures of just being in each other's company, of cooking a meal together, of just lying in bed in his arms... makes me a very happy and contented woman. The many heart-to-heart talk which takes place in the dead of the night, in each other's arms, has done so much for us.
I may not be able to spend a good deal of time together with most, but at least I promise to try to make the most of those times I have with everyone. Afterall, quality really does matter so much more than quantity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel happy for ya. =)

8:04 PM  

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