With every little revealation... we grow to understand each other more.
I've never realised that in the midst of being totally self-absorbed, I've neglected your feelings. I failed to see your miseries and all other insecurities you might have been feeling as I was too blinded by my own.
I'm glad you actually spoke your mind and it made me realise how stupid and selfish I have been. I always thought you would be better off without me, little did I realise that I made you feel the same way too... It's all so stupid and unnecessary. Had we communicated our feelings sooner, this feeling of resentment wouldn't have welled up so much.
Still, I'm glad you said what you did as I understand you more now. I know how you want to bring things to another level... and here I am, distancing myself emotionally... I'm sorry and I promise I'll try my best to give my all...
Whoever said distance consumes love? I say with communication, a forgiving heart & the spirit to love, it draws two souls who are physically apart, emotionally closer...