Sunday, July 30, 2006


With every little revealation... we grow to understand each other more.
I've never realised that in the midst of being totally self-absorbed, I've neglected your feelings. I failed to see your miseries and all other insecurities you might have been feeling as I was too blinded by my own.
I'm glad you actually spoke your mind and it made me realise how stupid and selfish I have been. I always thought you would be better off without me, little did I realise that I made you feel the same way too... It's all so stupid and unnecessary. Had we communicated our feelings sooner, this feeling of resentment wouldn't have welled up so much.
Still, I'm glad you said what you did as I understand you more now. I know how you want to bring things to another level... and here I am, distancing myself emotionally... I'm sorry and I promise I'll try my best to give my all...
Whoever said distance consumes love? I say with communication, a forgiving heart & the spirit to love, it draws two souls who are physically apart, emotionally closer...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


In life, we often encounter people or situations which force us to rethink our approach to handling certain issues and life in general.
Often, we ponder upon what went wrong and try to reflect and see if there are ways in which we could have handled the situation in a more ideal way. In a way which would have been more diplomatic and perhaps, the avoidance of an ugly scene happening would then be possible.
Since I started "work", so much has happened that I can't help but sit down and think about what has happened so far and would things be alot better had we not been too judgemental?
I don't deny that I'm guilty of judging. As much as I constantly remind myself not to, I can't help but do so sometimes.
Perhaps I'm still not keeping an open mind... Although I would like to believe that I do.
You know, it's not a bad thing to adapt yourself and compromise when things are not going your way. However, I personally feel that too much of a compromise and you end up stifling yourself. I mean we are all unique individuals isn't it? Then, of course it's only right that there WILL be differences here and there. But, what if one side has to keep compromising and giving in to the somewhat unreasonable behaviour of the other?
If we keep giving in, would it make things better? Or maybe, we could be making things worse without realising it. By giving in, we could be giving others the impression that we are pushovers . So, sometimes, standing firm to your ground when it's reasonable is not such a bad idea afterall.
At the end of the day, it's still youself that you have to answer to... not anyone else...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


If there's anything good outta this whole saga with him, it has to be the fact that I've made friends whom I believe would be very close to my heart till the day I cease to live.
This is truly the first time I've had a bf's friends accept me so whole-heartedly and they really treat me as a friend, true friend I mean... Not the sort of "Hi, how are you? Cya around" kinda friends...
It's really heart-warming and maybe with support from his friends, we could perhaps, tide over this lonely 2 years, away from each other...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Light Speed...

Time really flies. So fast that it almost seems surreal at times. It's gonna be my birthday next week and then 2 weeks later, I'll be taking my FC exam...
It's said that there are people who actually failed and I find that pretty unbelievable... Whatever it is, I just hope that my entire batch would pass without any problems. I believe in US.
Anyway, there's just this person whom I would like to thank. For being ever so kind & patient, caring & understanding... without expecting anything in return. This is beyond many people... & honestly, it's probably beyond me.
I'm glad we met & I hope things between us would never change.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

At the end of the day...

people would still choose stability over and above all other things.

He's right... People just wouldn't have the guts to leave their comfort zone & thus choose to stay on whereever they are... for the simplest reason: STABILITY

Even if it means they might have a shot at happiness elsewhere... with someone else, maybe. But it's just too daunting to give up whatever you're so familiar with for something new and dangerous...

Wisdom or stupidity... Let's all be our own judge.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

"Where to get the Best Chicken Rice?"

I've been enjoying my training so far. Although we do get lectured pretty much by our trainer, it's all still well. I know she lectures us only for our own good...
Anyway, Communication Skills Class yesterday was good fun and a bag of laughs. I won a dollar for being the Best Presenter! Hah... Yah, only a dollar but still quite something to be happy about. Hopefully, I'll get to win more dollars!
Time passes pretty fast and soon, we'll be busy revising for our FC exam... Then will be moving on to SEP training... Scary man...