Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Things will never be the same again - to be continued...
She waited but the wait seemed to be getting longer and longer... With each passing day, anticipation turned into fear... and slowly, fear dissolved into nonchalance.
He thought she's still at where he left her... back at the same place, tucked away safely... he thought that when he returns, she'll still be there at that safe little corner waiting for him. He thought too highly of himself, of her, of their relationship... Little did he know that she, though strong, is just like any other women. She needed to feel cherished, appreciated, loved, pampered, trusted, cared for...
She wondered why he's so evasive about her in front of others... why he seldom mentioned her presence to friends... why he doesn't seem worried that she might one day, be gone when he's back. While it's because he trusts her, it doesn't seem that way to her. She feels that he doesn't love her enough, and worse, she feels that he doesn't really care anyway.
"Baby, I'll be back for a holiday for a week in 3 days' time."
She hangs up... feeling apprehensive about seeing him again after such a long period of absence. She doesn't know what to expect, how to behave and what to say...
She sees him at the airport walking out with his luggage in tow... In her heart, she whispers, "Hello Stranger."
The hug feels awkward like two gawky teenage lovers hugging each other for the first time... The way he holds her hand doesn't feel familiar anymore and he doesn't even smell the same to her anymore...
She realised that she has fallen out of love with him... A long time ago... probably a couple of years back when he couldn't make it back to be by her side when her sister passed away... When she realised that there's no point holding on to this thing called "love" as he can't even be by her side when she needs him the most.
He foolishly thought that he could get away without putting in much effort because he knows she really loves him... and she would be understanding... and never demanding. However, he forgot that no matter how strong he might have perceived their love to be, it still has to be nurtured... he still has to put in effort and make it a point to be there for her when she needs him.
Years flew by just like that... and while they had something initially, it slowly faded... Faded because he took it for granted... thinking that he could just carry on doing whatever he pleased as she'll be there waiting and never uttering a word of displease.
When he boarded the plane again for the umpteen time... she, as usual, sent him off... with a gentle wave and a look of longing in her eyes... except that this time, he sensed some sorrow in that pair of beautiful eyes. He reached for his pocket and felt something in there. He took it out... In his hand was a written note:
"I'm sorry... I loved you... We've grown apart, I've fell out of love... I suppose you can do just as well without me by your side... Sorry, I can't be the woman who'll be by your side when you're old and toothless though it was once my dream..."
Tears welled up in his eyes... it was only at that moment which he realised how he had been to complacent... complacent that things would be able to work out despite his lack of efforts...
Things will never ever be the same again...
My way? No way!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Presence or Presents
放开了你的手我后悔, 后悔再也来不及挽回
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Being able to feel and feel very much for others and oneself might be more of a curse than a blessing. How much others' pain can affect you... like how hurt you would feel if you were in others' predicament... all these feelings though makes one very empathetic, also has the ability to make one feel very helpless.
Helpless as you can't do anything except sit and watch... Helpless as you know it's so near but yet so far... Helplessness...
但试问,如果让你尝到了幸福的滋味, 然后又把它带走。。。那为甚么要让我们有这么美丽的体会呢?
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I do care...
You're always on my mind... It's true. From the moment I wake up in the morning, when I'm on my way to school on the bus, when the lecturer's words don't make sense anymore, when I'm eating, when I'm on my way home, when I'm home and doing nothing, even when I'm out with my friends... I'm always thinking of you.
It's just that sometimes, I can be quite a scatterbrain. Like how I can be so engrossed in my project that I am lost in my own world... & I can forget to do certain things. Not that they aren't important, just that probably I ain't very good at multi-tasking and thus filter out certain 'To-Do' stuff unconciously.
It's not that I don't care... or that you aren't important enough. I admit that I tend to lack initiative sometimes and therefore, I usually sit and wait instead of taking action. Like how you're always the one calling me all the time... & if you don't call, I wouldn't call too. I always thought that you're the busier one so I shouldn't disturb you. Which explains why I tend to sit & wait for you to call me, rather than picking up my phone to dial your number even when I miss you like hell sometimes. Now I know what you meant the other time when you said we are just too considerate for each other.
I'm sorry... I've never realised that this would upset you. But that message from you just now, slapped me hard across the face. Realisation dawned upon me & I wonder why it hasn't earlier on. It made me realise how unfeeling I portray myself as sometimes and how silly and stupid this mentality of mine is. This whole 'He's busy so when he's free, he'll call me... I'll just wait and not disturb him' mentality probably irks you lots. I know how you feel... 'cause I feel this way at times too. It certainly doesn't feel good... I promise I'll remind myself to be more proactive in future and show you more C&C okie...
Do not doubt me... Whatever doubts I may have cast on you, is really nothing but a stupid misunderstanding... I'll keep myself in check in future.
Monday, March 20, 2006
我不怕寂寞。。。 我只怕我爱的人其实并不爱我。。。
爱虽然很美妙 却不能为了寂寞
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
我相信在〔这个〕世界上 一定会遇到
那次流过的泪 让我学习到
如何祝福 如何转身不要
在眼泪体会到 与自己拥抱 爱不是一种需要 是一种对照
当我想清楚的时候 我就算已经准备好
放手去爱 海阔天高
So very true...
Love's indeed beautiful but that doesn't mean that we should just be in a relationship for fear of loneliness.
Probably we all should be more patient and just wait for that one true love to appear... All the hurt and sadness from the past should have taught us how we should walk out of an unfulfilling relationship and learn to love ourselves even more.
How much are we willing to sacrifice for love? It's really easy to fall in love but it's definitely not a simple task to maintain the relationship.
My dear friends, how far are you willing to go for love? If you're not willing to make any sacrifices, then probably you don't love that person enough. Similarly, if your other half never seems to be willing to commit & make certain sacrifices for you, then you should learn to walk away.
You certainly deserve someone better.... that someone who treats you like a princess, who loves you and cares for you, who worries about you when you're sick, who is always there for you without the slightest complain whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, who thinks of you in times of both sadness and happiness, who never wants to leave your side... Of course, you should also be able to do the same for your other half.
Have you all already found this special one?
I have no idea if my special one has already appeared... one thing I'm sure of though is that I wouldn't hesitate to walk out should I one day realise that my other half doesn't love me anymore or is with me just for the sake of wanting someone by his side... If that means I have to be single for a very long time, so be it...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
黑夜之中 全憑著直覺 Keep my faith watch my steps 一步步 靠直覺
也許有天 生命中會出現 那一個誰走進我的心裡面
他不必是個Mr. Perfect 只要他 善良體貼
be my friend and be my soul mate
我等的人會是誰 何時才出現 Make me whole make me brave
我等的人會是誰 不急在眼前 I can wait I will Pray
也許有天 生命中會出現 那一個誰走進我的心裡面
他不必是個Mr. Perfect 只要他 善良體貼
be my friend and be my soul mate
我等的人會是誰 何時才出現 Make me whole make me brave
我等的人會是誰 希望他了解 不管迷惘或堅決 都是我的某一面
我並不追求完美 只要能 用心體會 每一天 都是Better day
我等的人會是誰 何時才出現 Make me whole make me brave
我等的人會是誰 何時才出現 陪著我 一天一點 讓生命 能變得更美
Saturday, March 18, 2006
My BirthDate
Your Birthdate: July 12 |
![]() Your strength: Your charm Your weakness: Your extreme manipulation tactics Your power color: Indigo Your power symbol: Four leaf clover Your power month: December |
I Try...
So much so that I want to just call it quits...
I may appear to be free
But I'm just a prisoner of your love
I may seem alright and smile when you leave
But my smiles are just a front
I play it off but I'm dreaming of you
I'll keep my cool but I'm fiending
I try to say goodbye and I choke
I try to walk away but I stumble
Though I try to hide it, it's clear
My world crumbles when you are not near
Friday, March 17, 2006
Never too late...
Her eyes brimmed with tears when she read the message her sister left her on MSN. Her thoughts floated back to the times when they were young... when they had pretty much no one else but each other. Still, they fought non-stop.
Their mother had to work all the time especially during month end when it's time to balance the statements. Thus, the girls had to take care of themselves after the domestic help quit. The elder sister, having been the only child for 6 years till her little sister came along, was not very happy that she had to share her parents' affections with someone else now. Thus, the little girl never felt very close to her sister.
Things only got worse as the elder sister went to stay with her paternal grandparents while the younger one went over to the maternal grandmother after their parents split. They never had the chance to bond like sisters do... doing the girlie things sisters do together during their growing up years, sharing clothes, having girl talk and all.
It was only after the elder sister turned 16 that she moved in with her maternal grandmother. All these years apart has done nothing to strengthen their relationship. Occasionally, the little one would do something stupid like all little ones do... but the elder sister would be very mean... All the verbal accusations, physical beatings... Was something which the little one never forgot...
All the years, she envied friends who had nice, caring elder sisters whom they could share lots with... Someone whom they could turn to for advice and someone whom they could depend on when the need arises...
It can't be said that they hate each other... however, they didn't really love each other that much too.
Years past.... Time flies and before they knew it, they have both blossomed.
The day her elder sister got married to a man who loved her alot, the little one truly felt happy for her from the bottom of her heart.
The day the elder sister gave birth to her first son, the little one felt this sense of pride... Something she never knew she felt about her sister...
Subsequently, they started talking to each other over the phone, strained conversations, but still, at least they talked. Then, they started smsing each other more... and then they progressed to MSN-ing...
Then, afternoon tea and short shopping sessions together became a frequent thing... It's as if they were catching up on lost time... Better late than never, they both think...
After all these years, they have finally came to terms with their differences while complementing each other's temperament...
It certainly wasn't easy and they probably took the road less travelled... but still they managed to find 'reconciliation'.
I suppose, it's never too late for anything... as long as you care about it enough, it's never too late...
Sunday, March 12, 2006
An Update
Well, school as usual is hectic... It's even more so now that the project deadlines are drawing nearer.
Had a shoot last week too... & it has been ages since I went for castings... Had a stroke of good luck this time round and got a job =) Had lots of fun doing the shoot...
On the job-hunting front, things have been going well up till this point. Let's hope it'll stay this way till I get THE offer.
Friends are all well... with 2 marriages happening by end of the year and I'm so happy for them.
I'm still happily in love for those who are curious and probably wondering what the hell happened to me after a couple of those depressing posts of mine. Oh well, let's just say that sometimes shit happens. But I've cleared those shit... and the system's smooth and running again haha.
In fact, I'm happier than ever... though April's coming soon. But let's not think about it. Will learn to deal with it as it happens... & I'm pretty sure I can cope well...
Anywayz, will try to update more often. Take care all!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Ain't it obvious when someone doesn't really yearn to talk to you that much? Why be such a pathetic idiot and try calling like a million times when people don't want answer your call? Isn't it even more obvious that they don't exactly want to talk to you? If that's the case, why keep persisting and even go to the extent of smsing the said person like a million more times, with stupid opening lines like, "Hey, how are you?" or "Hey, please show some sign of life."
What are these people trying to prove? Their degree of 'pathetic-ness'?